26 November 2008

I'm jus too tired to blog tonight.

It's not that I have hit the wall in NaBloPoMo, it's that I am really tired. I still need to post about what happened at the restaurant on Friday, about the boorishness we faced at the Thanksgiving dinner and benefit concert on Saturday and Thing1's experience at her English test on Tuesday: all of these are going to await tomorrow (a non-holiday here in Germany, a favorite holiday in the US) and my being awake.


Connie said...

I popped over here from your comment at my blog :-) and I am stunned at the lush greenery of your header photo... sigh! I can feel the mist! There is much we love about Cairo, but we miss the rain, and we miss clean air... it's been kinda yellowy-brown this week, ew!... you go get some rest. I'm going to daydream about this lovely clean greenery for awhile.

MsTypo said...

I've totally hit the NaBloPoMo wall. I can't wait until December 1st so i can take a day off.

Come on, we can do it! Only four more days!! :)