I'm just too tired and chaotic. Although strangely enough, I did make a TwD recipe today, it's not the chocolate, toffee and caramel bars that would be this week's recipe, so I will post it when its time comes.
We have just gotten back from NRW where we visited in-laws and friends. We had expected to go to either Koeln or Muenster for Rosenmontag (it was actually the impetus for the trip) but the weather was so cold and actively raining that we gave up and revisted our friends by Muenster for lunch before we just drove back to Berlin.
The next few weeks are just crazy: the German was out of town today (and the girls are being rebellious about staying in bed), my friend went into the hospital (but still no baby), tomorrow I have a book group at my house and have no idea how many people will show (which is why I was baking today), although the author will be there. Thursday is either a Mom's night out or I drop exhausted to the ground and just go to sleep.
Then only 1 weekend to get an apa out, pack and get some paperwork together before a friend visits us for a long weekend. That Sunday she leaves and we have a Purim party.
Tuesday is another Purim party and we leave Wednesday morning for JFK. We haven't booked our cars yet, but we stay with friends in Westchester, do some shopping, perhaps the German hits Century 21 for a few suits? Then to Western Mass with our friends, where we meet some family to spend the weekend swimming and relaxing with the kids.
Back either Sunday or Monday then JFK to Orlando (a continuation, so international luggage regulations apply...) and drive down to Boca to meet my mom and other brother. Dad is supposed to fly in and after 3 days we head up to Orlando, where we have rented a house that we will be sharing with my oldest childhood friend, who is flying up from Houston with her family. We stay there through Tuesday morning, swimming, grilling, with a day or two at Disney, and then fly back to Berlin on Tuesday, arriving Wednesday.
I hope it winds up being relaxing. I do know our next family vacation will not involve airplanes but rather Europe, trailers and campgrounds.
Sounds like you're going to spend at least half your holiday on the plane! On the positive side you'll be racking up some sweet airmiles! (I'm always about the silver lining.)
Are you going to Disney when you're in Orlando? I've never been to DWorld and have always wanted to go.
Yes, I think my mom is not recognizing the 14+ hours that we will be spending in transit, then the 6+ to go down to see her...
If we got miles, it would be a silver lining, but we won't. We are using miles to buy down a portion of the trip and so don't get any at all. Since it is so difficult to use miles, I am just grateful to have gotten some help from the,. Booking the trip itself took hours on the phone with an airline agent trying to figure out why I wasn't able to match the price I saw wothout the layover by more than $1,000- . Hours later, I was able to. Luckily we call the states for a flat rate!
Love Disney. The kids adore it and it is the most mellow vacation for parents. We have a non-expiring pass with a few days left on it and I think we will go for two and just play in the playground and swim at the house for the others. Disney is great, btw. I hate the German fairs where one always needs to pay for things- all inclusive is the way to go.THere are amusements for all ages, from about 1 year to seniors.
I hear you! I'm leaving on a jet plane today and it's just a lot of work. And to visit my gma in Ventura I'm pretty much in transit all day, not counting the initial trip from Germany to SFO. But I think it will be fun, too. I love Disneyland!
My goodness, you've exhausted me by just reading all that. I hope it all goes smoothly for you.
Enjoy the sun and Disney.
Hope the traveling (and packing!) goes smoothly. The weather here in Central Florida has been cool in the mornings (40-50F or 4.5-10C),but warming up quick to high 70s (21+C). It should be great weather for Disney - warm but not too hot. Have a great time!
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