23 December 2011

Before we leave


And I had to make this 4 times (T2 gave out on the 4th round, so I could have some).

So doubling the recipe is now a given and I'm guessing that as my 5 and 8 year olds continue to grow a quadrupling will also become standard.


Helen said...

Sounds like a culinary hit!

G in Berlin said...

And incredibly easy and tasty. I have never quite understood why pfannkuchen are so terrible- I should check a recipe to see the difference.
Good to know- if you have extra batter/pancakes and let them cool, then wrap them in a paper towel, put them in a plastic bag and freeze them, they are great straight out of the freezer into the toaster. Works even better with waffles (replaces the commercial, icky Leggo).