Life's been so crazy that I even forgot to post my reading list at the end of the month. I have been working on posts for a while, but they aren't done. I'll link them here when they are done.
- Saw The King's Speech (two weeks before the Oscars)
- I visited an interesting museum, the Daimler Contemporary, and had lunch with my group.
- Went to Vienna for the weekend and saw Cirque de Soleil with a friend.
- Found a massage place, finally, and my back is still feeling the pain.
- Had a bad experience with T2's swim instructor and had to switch classes.
- Discovered that my blog had been scraped and my posts were sitting on someone else's web site.
- yoga Tuesdays and Thursday,
- my German class has restarted Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday,
- my German writing course is still running Wednesdays,
- the kids have speech therapy on Monday,
- T1 has swimming on Wednesday while
- T2 has it Friday (due to the above mentioned instructor issue),
- they both have recorder instruction on Thursday and
- T1 has art/ceramics on Friday.
This week, I also had Elternabends on Wednesday and on Thursday, as well as the massage and lunch with a friend on Wednesday.
I am also trying to declutter at least 15 minutes a day, I run about 7 loads of laundry a week (with three on Wednesdays when I change the linens), and I am "looking forward" to the seasonal change-over of clothing that I anticipate in three weeks.
The calendar is receiving a work out and the German needs to start referring to it— he actually scheduled a babysitter for one of the Elternabends for me, but he told her the wrong day! Luckily, she lives two streets over so it wasn't terribly inconvenient for her, but it was awfully embarrassing!
I finally found you. The links from your comments always ended up linking me to no-where land. I finally found you through the blogger meet up site. Looking forward to reading your blog
"Discovered that my blog had been scraped and my posts were sitting on someone else's web site"
What's this? How did you find it out, and can you share how you resolved it? This is new to me.
Oh my, how did your blog get "scraped"?
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