Getting there...
- Purim Party with kita
- booked full-size for NY
- booked mini-van for Florida
- booked flight to the US for trip alone at end of May
- booked convention hotel after synchronizing plans with friend
- picked up suit
- dropped off shoes
- stopped mail
- stopped forwarded mail from US
- got book club book from friend, gave it to someone else (and, since I ran into friend1, was able to give her my Diaz for signature this week!)
- packed both children's clothing(almost finished)
- booked Disney character breakfast
- arranged to meet a facility bound friend
- cleaned and tidied house
- made meatloaf
- Skyped with A and saw the baby!
- The German bathed kids and put them to bed
Still to come:
- Finish packing children (bathing suits, toys, ancillary items)
- pack myself
- pack cameras and chargers
- pack DVDs and player and charger
- pack computer, charger, adapter
- pack medicine for Thing1's strep
- pack toiletries, books, magazines and coloring books (for them, not me!)
- booking the convention membership for the end of May
- water plants. hope they survive without drowning or dessication
- clean out camera cards, upload photos and charge cameras
- do my Tuesday's with Dorie post- I made the recipe last night
- Get some sleep?
Woman, you rock!!! Enjoy your vacation! I'll miss you!
You don't need sleep; you can sleep on the plane (hahahahahaha!). Sorry, my husband once said that to me when I was flying alone with the two kids. Have a great time!
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