I started another blog, linked to as a page above, to motivate myself to de-clutter.
We did a Kaufland shopping trip (that includes staples rather than the meat and produce I pick up locally and at the Arab markets).
It rained and the heat wave broke.
This is part of the reason that clutter and de-clutter are such a big issue: it makes no sense to discard things that are actually going to be needed, in just the same way it can be a waste of mental and physical space to hang on to things that may not be needed. A month or two ago we loaned our Laufrad to a friend of T2's who needs to learn to ride a bike. This week, we will take the Laufrad back and loan her T2's old bike. When we get T1 a new and larger bike, we will need to keep her current bike for T2 to ride either next year or the year after (depending on how quickly she grows!).
De-cluttering and down-sizing and generally living in a serene environment: can I do that while the kids still live with us?
Anyone have advice?
Of course that makes sense and I'd do the same thing. If they were a boy and girl rather than both girls, how would you handle it? Just a thought from a youngest (and least as they say in the south) who had more than her share of hand-me-downs during her life.
That really depends on the girls: T2's latest bike (which she chose) is blue: she has decided that is her new favorite color. Since T1's bike is pink, we'll have to see what happens!
I raised the kids w/o pink (I hated the color, because my mom always painted my room that color) and I like boys' clothing: I think it's sturdy and well constructed and fun to play in. Since we have only 1 boy among my 5 nieces and nephews, we don't have a lot of "boyish" hand-me-downs. Also, my girls have acquired, through peer interaction, a love of pink. So, we are fortunate that their older cousins apparently went through the same stage!
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