05 May 2009

Tuesdays... but not with Dorie

Even though today's recipe, Tiramisu Cake, from Megan at My Baking Adventures looks nice, I am still weltering in my illness and I am not doing either baking or cooking. So far I am in my third week of significant illness: this actually feels far worse than when I had pneumonia twenty years ago. I am on day 3.5 of some extremely big antibiotic pills (and quite new as well) but I am still taking drags off the inhaler as my lungs sound like they are full of crinkled up plastic bags and wax paper. The coughing has decreased to the point where I no longer think that I will break a rib, but it is still ongoing, and I just don't have a huge amount of energy. Even though I napped last evening, when I woke around midnight I had a great deal of trouble feeling that I was oxygenated enough to go to sleep and wound up staying up for about 2 hours feeling panicked. I'm hoping that I feel better by tomorrow.


honeypiehorse said...

It sounds like you have what I had in Dec. The doctor gave me antibiotics, cough suppressants and coresone (to heal the inside of my lungs after a month of nonstop coughing). Hope you feel better soon.

christina said...

Oooh, sorry you're feeling so crappy. I know that feeling of not being able to get enough air and it's just awful. Hopefully this will be the turning point and you'll start recovering soon.

Alice said...

Thinking of you and hoping for a speeedier recovery.

Megan said...

Oh my gosh - forget the recipe and feel better soon!

TeaLady said...
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