24 July 2008

Can my life really be this chaotic?

I can't find my passport. This is very bad for two reasons.
One: I'm leaving for the US, from Duesseldorf, extremely early next Friday morning.
Two: That was the best ID photo that I have ever taken and I do not expect to see its like again, two children and 6 years later (and thirty pounds to the worse) and many, many sleep deprived years later.

On the plus side, since we live here in Berlin I will be able to get an emergency passport with very little trauma. On the negative, that passport will be good for only one year and I will need to replace it almost immediately with a permanent replacement so that I can get my German visa replaced, which will lead to more standing in line and monetary penalties for my carelessness.


heza said...

ew, I do hope you find it before you resolve to get a replacement. Mine was lost/stolen in the mail 2 weeks before my move to Germany (also a good photo). I had to pay major moola to get an new one fast.

good luck.

Dr. J said...

A few years ago my passport accidentally went through the washing machine, something i didn't find out until 24 hrs before I was flying to England. Managed to get an emergency passport in that time, then promptly forgot it was only valid for a year until I wanted to go to Egypt and needed 6 months validity on it (I think I had 2). So I got an emergency passport on my emergency passport, something which got me noticied by the security people at the embassy and they were none too happy. After I got back from Egypt I DID get a full passport but it unfortunately means that all my interesting visa's are in non-valid passports now.

Hawkfeather said...

yipes I don't envy you the red tape head ache you *might* face.. sounds like it shouldn't be too bad though hey?

I can so relate to the nice photo though..i laughed when i read that because I have the same issue with replacing my driver's license this coming fall..heh

Diane Mandy said...

I hope you can find it!

PS. I like the new header. WHat inspired it?