12 September 2009

The unblogged period...

I've started several posts in varying stages of completion, but if I don't actually finish one, I think I could just stay there, in the never ending search for completion and perfection while life continues.

It's been busy.

  1. We came back.
  2. My younger daughter went back to kita and my older was allowed back, but I spent a bit of independent time with her.
  3. We went to the Olympic Stadium swim baths twice, the first time with both girls meeting a friend and her daughter, and the second time T2 was at kita while T1 and two of her friends came with me. That was an intricate juggling act, dropping 1 off, using a spare car seat and running 3 girls to the bathrooms and back. It was great and the weather has been absolutely amazing. The view in that link is from the diving platform and adult pool but there are two children's pools out of shot that are great, one shallower than the other. I had been a bit chaotic that morning, throwing everythig together and I wound up leaving my beloved spray on sunscreen at the kita after spraying T2. that lead to me obsessively slathering all three girls with cream sun block, but forgetting my own back: my first sunburn in 20 years and I get it in Berlin, land of perpetual grey. Amazing. We stayed for about 4.5 hours and it was great and exhausting.
  4. I had to purchase the 27 specifically (to the brand of the oil crayons and the color of the schnellheftes) required items for T1's schulranzen and find her uniform in local stores.
  5. T1 had her einschuling, followed by her first day and week of school, including her first trip to a sportshall.
  6. We are continuing our ballete and swimming lessons start next week, twice a week.
  7. We are also attempting to survive having to get up over 1 hour earlier. Poor T2 needs to be woken by me every morning and they are at school 1 hour plus earlier while I pick them up an average 1 hour later every day. T2 has been falling asleep i the car on the way back. On the plus side, although still a bit annoying in the evenings (crany from being over tired) she's going to sleep better and not annoying T1 with wanting to play after lights out.
  8. I had a bookclub (The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon). It was fun to get out, but exhausting. The book came late, and I really enjoyed it, but it was long!
  9. I started another German class, this time at my local VHS. I took the placement test and we talked out whether I should go A1.2 or A2.1. I know quite a bit of grammar, but after a year without really speaking German or taking classes, it's clear that I am missing a real ground in my articles. So I started the same day as T1 in my new school:). Although I know the grammar already, I am being pounded with using it correctly, and with the proper grammar following from the correct articles, which is just what I need now. (although now the teacher is discussing whether I should move up to A2.1. It would be more challenging, but A1.2 is moving too slowly.)
  10. The German has been gone 9 of the last 11 days and I am not too happy with it.
  11. T1 had an allergic reaction to one of the school uniforms and we had to change some fabrics.
Maybe if I publish this, I will overcome my inertia enough to start posting regularly again...


Joyce said...

You are a very busy lady.
I leave at a horribly early hour tomorrow to visit Dr. Z in Oak Park. I'll be sure to say hello on your behalf.

Lynda said...

Not a whole lot of 'fun stuff' in that list... I am planning a trip to Berlin in the not so distant future, to visit my friend who is now the GM of one of the Big hotels.. fancy a coffee?

And why are your offspring wearing uniforms? Are they in the German school system?

Laura said...

Also curious about the uniforms. Is it a private school?

G in Berlin said...

Joyce- say Hi to MFZ for me.I just got the apa today and am busily egoscanning.
Lynda- Gosh yes! Send me an e-mail at bigapple to big bear (at) googlemail (dot) com and let's chat.I wanted to quiz you anyway, but just got back from my 2nd elternabend this week.
And Hi Laura- yes, it's a German school, but it's a religious one, and the uniforms are therefore modest (ie, below the knee skirts).